10 Things Dogs Do When They Are Home Alone

Have you ever wondered, what is your tailed companion be doing when you leave them home alone? Will they be chilling, wanting some free alone time or peeking through the window awaiting our arrival? is your canine indulged in a rendezvous with its other canine buds or has it turned the whole house topsy-turvy.

Well, its not easy to comprehend what exactly runs in your buddy’s mind while you leave them home alone, its initial reactions and overall behavior can speak a lot about its past times.

1.Take A Nap.

“Ahh! So finally my master is out on a trip and I can take some time off catching up my sleep.”

After a tough day of running to playing sporting games with you, your canine buddy may take some time off its busy schedule and nap while you are out there working.


2.Chase Your Cat.

If you find your house turned all upside down on your return, don’t be scared. It is not the burglar who has stormed into your house but your little buddy who was in full energy to chase the cat out of the house. And when is the right time to chase the race when nobody is around?

If you have a couple of pets at your place, probably a cat and a dog . and you find your little palace all burst out like a burglar attack, be sure it is none other than your dog, playing around with your cat in free time.


3.Sneak Peek.

If your canine is very obedient, less aggressive and noble. You need not worry at all. if you find them sneaking out of the window on hearing honk of your car, probably it has been there waiting all day waiting for your arrival.


4.Exploring Your Closet.

If you have forgotten to lock your closet, and on your return, you find all your clothes strewn around. Ahh, it is none other than your dog. Alone time is the best for exploration and for some fun. and which place is the perfect other than your closet. Probably next time you do allow your buddy to try on your wardrobe to save to closet later when it is left alone.


5.Experiment Their Cooking Skills.

If your dog is a big foodie and he has seen you cooking mouth-watering cuisines, it may try to explore its cooking skills. When left alone, your canine may have its chef mode turned on experimenting its culinary skills.

Next time, better don’t leave your dog’s platter empty.


6.Play With Its Toy.

If you have an energetic and active pooch who rarely falls quiet. Obedient and trained to maintain peace around. Then if you have gifted your pooch with toys like a ball or a car, it would spend its time playing football and other games to keep itself entertained.


7.Act As Security Guard.

That is often what dogs do when left alone. Act as the best guardian, protecting your house like the captain of the ship. Their high sense of protectiveness and senses, keeping themselves alert even to slightest noise.

Don’t worry at all. Your territory is in safe hands.


8.Do Some Yoga.

Well, dogs are quick learners, some of them are known for their agility and swiftness. They like to always be on run. if they are blessed with a master who is probably a fitness savvy, in alone time, your dog too will catch up on some yoga.

You know being fit is the new trend.


9.Explore Your Sofa And Bed.

When you leave your dog alone and nobody’s there around to keep a watch on the dog, it is the best time to explore the prohibited territory. Your bed and sofa are the most prohibited territory at your house. That is what exactly your dog doing home alone. Exploring your sofa, and probably taking a short nap on your cozy bed.


10.Catch Up On Tv Series Or Explore The Trash Can.

Canines are known for their intelligence and quick learning. And also for its liking for the trash can. So when home alone, that’s what your doggie is going to do. Explore the trash can for some delicious food and catching up on Tv series.


Next time you leave your dog home alone, do render proper training in order for it to adjust well. Like humans, dogs do get bored and aggressive when left alone, it would be better if you arrange for some entertainment for it when left alone.


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