10 Common Dog Behaviour - Explained

There are certain traits notice in dogs, that often leave the owners bewildered. Common habits which dogs resort to often. This behavior is not an uncommon thing. But there lies deep meaning behind each of this habits.


Dogs are seen hanging their tongue out and panting. There is nothing to get alarmed by this behavior. Panting allows a dog to regulate its body temperature by expelling out the excess of heat.



The most peculiar behavior of dogs is barking. Most dogs don’t bark, often they are seen barking at strangers or on any unfamiliar face. Most often this behavior is related to sending out a warning by raising an alarm of potential danger.


3.Licking your face

Do you enter your house and find your dog jumping on you and licking your face. It is probably to check whether you were with some other dog. Dogs have a strong sense of smell. By licking they can easily sense things. They also try to find out whether you have bought some food for them.


4.Wagging its tail

Wagging of the tail is related to expressing their state of mind like anger, happiness, threat etc. if your pooch wags its tail eagerly it means she is happy. If its tail is tucked in between its hind legs it is a sign that it is scared.


5.Chasing its tail

This is a common sight we all have noticed with our pooch. Your dog has the habit of chasing its tail trying to bite it. This behavior can be quite absurd for the onlookers. Your dog’s tail is its permanent toy, which it can play with often. This chase of the tail is a sign of boredom, wherein your dog is wanting you to give it attention or its tail might be really itching.


6.Tilting of the head.

Dogs ears are extremely sensitive to noise. Studies reveal, their sense of smelling is 1000 times more than that of humans. Thus, they can sense out slightest noise with perfection. Their habit of tilting their head allows your dog to focus, listen and pay attention to from where the noise is coming from.


7.Digging of the ground.

Have you seen your pooch digging the ground in full speed and putting its head on the ground? Making you wonder what hidden treasure it is trying to unearth. Well, there is nothing obscure in this. It’s a peculiar behavior of dog to dig the ground.  Your dog digs the ground to hide food, or uncover food like small rodents. It also provides it a cool shelter from the heat.



A dog will love you more than your own self. When they find around the humans they love, they often jump on you and lick their faces, it's away from it asserting dominance over you.


9.Chewing on things.

Have you noticed your dog chewing o things lying around like toys, bones etc. your dog may be anxious or depressed. This behavior of your dog exhibits signs of anxiety. If your dog is teething,  it will chew on things to get accustomed to the newly arrived teeth. It is natural and unavoidable. In this pretext, it is immensely important for the owners to monitor on what things your dog is putting its hands. chewing on wires, power cords, and other harmful items can prove harmful for your pooch.



This is the most common of all other behavioral traits. There are many people who have fallen prey to biting by dogs and have ended getting seriously injured. Biting is a way of reacting to aggression, fear or nervousness. When a dog senses a potential trait, in order to save itself, they end biting others.

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