Why Is My Dog Sneezing?


Sneezing is an involuntary action in which air from the lungs passes out through the lungs and mouth. It is often caused due to some irritant of the upper airway, due to the delicate mucous membranes that line the nasal passages. Though many of them are normal and benign responses to simple irritation, some can signal infections, upper airway obstructions and allergic disease, among other conditions of the upper respiratory tract.

  • Infections

Dogs are prone to infections, which can stimulate irritation in the respiratory tract leading to sneezing. Often infections can be major reason causing sneeze.

  • Sometimes, the reason can be more serious. In case of cancers or foreign material in the upper cavity of nasal tract can lead to infections and sneeze, causing irritations.
  •  Brachycephalic syndrome is also one of that can cause sneezing in your pooch which is often seen in short headed breeds due to less passage space.
  • Nasal inflammations caused due to deposition of irritants on the nasal cavity leads to sneezing. Cats and dogs are prone to allergies caused by foreign particles, polyps causing inflammations in the tract, leading to sneeze.
  • The most common reason is due to dust, perfumes, carpet powders, pollen and other common inhaled irritants can cause sneezing in dogs and cats.

If your pooch is persistently sneezing and is prone to allergies, or if your pooch is suffering from sneezing at a more frequent rate, you should see a veterinarian.

  • Keep your dog’s crate or sleeping place clean to avoid allergies.
  • If the symptoms are persistent like breathlessness, fever and over sneezing, consult your dog to a veterinarian.