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  • Ranking: #28
  • Somali
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Breed Information

Fox Cat, Long-Haired Abyssinian
Not Applicable
Lap Cat
16 year
Affectionate, Friendly, Gentle, Intelligent, Loyal, Active
21 inches
12 Pounds
Black, Blue, Red, Fawn, Chocolate, Silver, Ruddy
6 puppies


Also known as Fox Cat and Long-Haired Abyssinian, Somali are medium or large sized cats originating from Somalia. The males grow to a maximum of 12 pounds and females up to 10 pounds. its large fish shaped eyes, render it an alert and curious appearance. its coat is long, straight and dense commonly found in varied beautiful colors. It is playful, social and love to be in company of humans. They need regular exercise in order to keep its energies at bay. They are known to be aloof with strangers and calm with other pet breeds.

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