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  • Ranking: #0
  • Savannah
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Breed Information

United States
Not Applicable
Lap Cat
20 year
Affectionate, Curious, Friendly, Intelligent, Loyal, Social, Adventurous
14 inches
24 Pounds
Black, Brown spotted tabby, Black silver spotted tabby, Black smoke
6 puppies


Ranking the list of longest living cat breed, savannah are also among the largest cat breeds found. They are medium or large breeds originating from the United States. The males weigh 8-25 pounds and females between 8-24 pounds. They are cross cat breeds. its coat is short and coarse with beautiful strips, making the feline resemble its wild cat ancestors. They are energetic and playful. They are fond of being in company of humans and other cats. in contrast to its huge appearance, They are calm and even tempered. They need plenty of physical activities to keep its temper at bay, lest it can turn aggressive and destructive. They get along well with children and tend to be aloof in case of strangers.

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