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  • Ranking: #0
  • Snowshoe
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Breed Information

United States
Not Applicable
Lap Cat
19 year
Affectionate, Intelligent, Social, Sweet
14 inches
12 Pounds
White, Black, Red, Cream
6 puppies


Snowshoe are medium sized cats originating from the United States. They are listed among breeds with longest lifespan up to 19 years. The males weigh up to 12 pounds and females up to 10 pounds. They are used as lap cat. Its coat is sleek and plush occurring in black, white, cream and red colors. They are inquisitive and intelligent breeds. They are known to enjoy human company and are playful by nature. They have an even-tempered disposition. They are excellent adventurous companions who love to indulge in water sports. They are calm and friendly, well behaved with children and are not aggressive towards other pet breeds.

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