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Selkirk Rex
  • Ranking: #25
  • Selkirk Rex
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Breed Information

Selkirk Rex
Shepherd Cat
United States
Not Applicable
Lap Cat
15 year
Affectionate, Curious, Gentle, Playful, Active, Devoted
21 inches
12 Pounds
White, Black, Red, Cream, Chocolate, Lavender
6 puppies


Selkirk Rex are also listed among large sized cats originating from the United States. It is also known as Shepherd Cat. Its eyes are large, round and fish shaped. They make excellent lap cats. The males weigh between 11-16 pounds and females between 6-12 pounds. Its coat is either long or short with slight curls and dense appearance. In contrast to its huge appearance They are known to be calm and loving. They are affectionate to children and patient with other pet breeds.

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