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  • Ranking: #33
  • Pug
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Breed Information

Chinese Pug, Dutch Bulldog, Dutch Mastiff, Mini Mastiff, Mops, Carlin
Toys, Companion
15 year
Affectionate, Loyal, Brave, Calm
12 inches
18 Pounds
Black, Fawn
4 puppies


The Pug also known as Chinese Pug, Dutch Bulldog, Dutch Mastiff, Mini Mastiff, Mops, and Carlin are small sized purebred, originating from China. They grow as tall as 12-14 inches and weigh in between 18-20 pounds. it has large round drooping eyes and flat snout. Its gait is powerful and carefree. Their eyes project an expression of innocence and playfulness. Its coat is short and smooth. They are prone to constant shedding. They are jolly and gullible. A perfect partner for adventure and sports. They tend to be obstinate and bold, who enjoy seeking attention. They get along well with children.

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