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Norfolk Terrier
  • Ranking: #131
  • Norfolk Terrier
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Breed Information

Norfolk Terrier
United Kingdom
15 year
Affectionate, Intelligent, Social, Determined
10 inches
12 Pounds
Red, Black & Tan, Grizzle, Red Wheaten
5 puppies


Norfolk Terrier is small sized dog breeds originating from the United Kingdom. they belong to the Terrier group. They grow as tall as 10 inches in height and weigh in between 10-12 pounds. Its small stature renders it easy access to its prey. It has good bone structure. Its gait is slow and smooth. Its outer coat is wiry and straight and weather resistant. Its eyes are small and deep giving it an intelligent appearance. i It is obstinate, independent and intelligent. They are brave and playful. Its favorite past time includes digging, chasing and hunting. They are loving towards children and enjoy their company. They are wary of strangers.

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