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Longhaired Whippet
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  • Longhaired Whippet
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Breed Information

Longhaired Whippet
United States
Sighthound & Pariah
15 year
Loving, Calm
21 inches
25 Pounds
White, Black, Grey,
15 puppies


The Longhaired Whippet are medium sized dog breeds belonging to sighthound breeds, originating from the United States. They grow to a height as tall as 22 inches and weighs in between 25-30 pounds. They are energetic breeds who enjoy indulging in sporting activities liked racing and tasks involving strength. Their coat is short, silky and often wavy. The most commonly found colors are black, gray and white. They are friendly and affectionate breeds, who enjoy spending time outdoors doing sporting activities. They are amiable with other dogs and pets. They are guarding and protective by nature. They often tend to bark to alert its owners.

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