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Karelian Bear Dog
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  • Karelian Bear Dog
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Breed Information

Karelian Bear Dog
KBD, Karjalankarhukoira, Karelsk Björnhund
12 year
Courageous, Loyal, Caring, Calm
23 inches
50 Pounds
Black, Black & White
8 puppies


Karelian bear dog is a medium sized dog breed, originating from Finland, belonging to Spitz-type. They are also known as Karjalankarhukoira. They grow to a height up to 23 inches and weighs a maximum of 33-40 pounds. Its coat is long and smooth often found in black and white colors. Karelian Bear Dog are known for their reserved temperament and vigilant nature. They tend to be territorial and reclusive of strangers. Brave and courageous, they are always full of energy and do not relent in when approached by danger. They get along well with children and are not known to be boisterous.

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