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  • Cockapoo
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Breed Information

Cockerpoo, Spoodle (AU)
United States
18 year
Affectionate, Intelligent, Agile, Outgoing
15 inches
24 Pounds
White, Black, Brown, Cream, Silver, varying from light to dark
6 puppies


Cockapoo is small dog breeds from England, USA. They stand tall at a height of 15 inches to the shoulders. They are a cross breed of cocker spaniel and poodle, carrying unique qualities indigenous to them. Their coats us short and curly, coming in varied colors of cream, white, black and brown. They are intelligent and reserved. Cockapoo is active, independent and affectionate. They make up as best companions. Energetic and full of life and rarely need hardcore exercise. They are trainable and quick in learning. Their outgoing nature lets them gel well with other dogs and are extremely loving companions.

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