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Chart Polski
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  • Chart Polski
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Breed Information

Chart Polski
Polish Sighthound, Chart Polski (Polish)
Sighthound & Pariah
12 year
Courageous, Brave, Confident, Reserved
30 inches
70 Pounds
Blue, Black & Tan, Beige
4 puppies


Chart Polski are large dog breeds originating from Poland. They are also known as Polish Sighthound and Polish. They are used as sighthounds and pariah breeds. they have an excellent sense of sight and smell which enables it to find its prey. The females grow as tall as 27-30 inches and males up to 28-31 inches. they weigh a maximum of 26.8-31.2 kg. it has a strong structure with muscular built. its gait is smooth and effortless. Its coat is short and smooth clinging to the body occurring in a variety of colors. They make excellent hunters. They are loyal and affectionate. They are quick learners who can be trained easily. They tend to be reserved with strangers and aggressive towards other pet breeds. they are friendly and protective towards children.

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