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American Staghound
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  • American Staghound
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Breed Information

American Staghound
United States
12 year
Affectionate, Brave, Calm, Tenacious
29 inches
85 Pounds
White, Black, Blue, Brown, Yellow, Brindle
5 puppies


American Staghound is large dogs originating from the United States. They are used as sight hounds. They grow as tall as 24-30 inches and weigh between 20-41 kg. They have an excellent sense of sight, which enables it to locate its prey. Its gait is far reaching. Its coat is medium length and wiry commonly found in Fawn, Brindle, Black, Red, Blue, Yellow, and White. They are affectionate, brave and known for its calm and even-tempered demeanor. It is courageous and obedient. It enjoys the company of children and tends to be reserved with strangers.

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