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  • Ranking: #9
  • Siamese
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Breed Information

Siam, Thai Cat
Not Applicable
Lap Cat
15 year
Affectionate, Intelligent, Social, Agile
14 inches
12 Pounds
Blue, Seal point, Chocolate point, Blue point, Lilac point
4 puppies


Siamese also known as Siam and Thai Cat are medium sized cats originating from Thailand. The males weigh between 11-15 pounds and females between 8-12 pounds. its snout has a distinct black mark. Its coat is short, silky with a glossy texture to it. Its eyes are large and round with a mischievous streak. They are known for its faithful, independent and intelligent nature. They love being in company of humans and indulge in playful activities. They are friendly with children, other pet breeds and well behaved with strangers.

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