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  • Ranking: #32
  • Ragamuffin
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Breed Information

United States
Not Applicable
Lap Cat
16 year
Loving, Social, Calm
24 inches
16 Pounds
White, Black, Blue, Red, Cream, Chocolate, Lilac, Cinnamon, Fawn
2 puppies


Ragamuffin are listed among the largest cat breeds originating from the United States. They make excellent lap cats. The males weigh between 12-20 pounds and females between 8-15 pounds. its appearance is regal and elegant. Its coat is medium length, plush and soft found in varied beautiful colors. They are heavy breed with muscular built. its eyes are deep and alert. It is known for its calm and even temperament. They are known to be friendly and gentle. They get along well with children and other pets and are aloof with strangers.

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