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Colorpoint Shorthair
  • Ranking: #30
  • Colorpoint Shorthair
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Breed Information

Colorpoint Shorthair
United States
Not Applicable
Lap Cat
16 year
Affectionate, Intelligent, Playful, Social
16 inches
8 Pounds
Blue, Red, Chocolate, Cream, Lilac, Tabby, Tortoise Shell
5 puppies


Colorpoint Shorthair are medium sized cats originating from the United States. The males grow as much as 5-10 pounds and females to a maximum of 4-8 pounds. They are cross breed of Siamese and red tabby American Shorthair. Its eyes are large and almond-shaped occurring in blue and gray colors. Its coat is short and silky rendering it a glossy texture. They are extroverted, often extremely vocal as compared to other cat breeds. They rare known to be obstinate and aggressive towards other pet breeds. They are reserved with strangers. They have an air of dominance surrounding them. They enjoy being in the company of humans and are affectionate towards small children.

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