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  • Ranking: #27
  • Chartreux
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Breed Information

Not Applicable
Lap Cat
15 year
Lively, Loyal, Playful, Social
16 inches
11 Pounds
Blue, Silver
5 puppies


Chartreux are medium to large sized cats originating from France. The male grow as much as 10-15 pounds and females between 6-11 pounds. it has moderate bone structure and muscular built. Their appearance resembles that of British Blue Shorthair. Its eyes are big and round occurring in green or blue colors rendering it curious and alert appearance. its coat is short and springy commonly found in blue and silver colors. It is known for its intelligence, affectionate demeanor. It is friendly and inquisitive. They tend to be well-mannered and cordial with other pet breeds and strangers. It enjoys being in the company of humans. They enjoy being with small children.

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