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British Shorthair
  • Ranking: #5
  • British Shorthair
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Breed Information

British Shorthair
Highlander, Highland Straight, Britannica
United Kingdom
Not Applicable
Lap Cat
17 year
Affectionate, Loyal, Calm, Trainable
12 inches
20 Pounds
Blue, Brown, Red, Silver, Cream
5 puppies


British Shorthair are ranked among the largest cat breeds. They are also known as Highlander, Highland Straight and Britannica originating from the United Kingdom. They weigh between 12-20 pounds. They have compact and muscular structure. Its coat is short, thick and plush occurring in varied colors and patterns. Its eyes are large and round, which are expressive and alert. They are known for their intelligence, playfulness and friendly behavior. it is calm and composed. They are sensitive and affectionate. They get along well with children and other pets. They are reserved with strangers.

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