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British Semi-longhair
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  • British Semi-longhair
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Breed Information

British Semi-longhair
United Kingdom
Not Applicable
Lap Cat
14 year
Affectionate, Loyal, Social, Easy Tempered
16 inches
16 Pounds
Brown, Bi-color, Colorpoint, Ticked
6 puppies


British Semi-longhair are medium to large size cat breeds originating from the United Kingdom. the males grow as much as 10-18 pounds and females weigh in between 8-16 pounds. it has moderate bone structure and a stout built. its eyes are expressive and alert which are bright and circular. Its coat is semi-long and wavy found in different patterns. They are known for their calm and composed disposition. They are easy going and playful. They tend to lead an inactive lifestyle as compared to other breeds and spend more time indoors. They get along well with children and other pets. They are reclusive of strangers.

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