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  • Ranking: #34
  • Bombay
  • Reviews:

Breed Information

Small black Panther
United States
Not Applicable
Lap Cat
16 year
Affectionate, Gentle, Playful
12 inches
11 Pounds
6 puppies


Listed among the 22 cat breeds having black coat, Bombay tops the rank as the cat with the darkest black coat. Also known as Small black Panther originating from the United States. The male weigh between 8-11 pounds and females between 6-9 pounds. They have heavy and lean bone structure. Its eyes are large and round with yellow iris, due to lack of melanin. Its coat is short and smooth which a glossy texture occurring in jet black color. They are patient and calm breeds. They tend to enjoy the company of humans and are known for their calm and composed disposition. They get along well with children and other pets. They tend to be reserved with strangers.

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