Why Is My Dog Licking Its Elbows & Legs?


Idealness can lead to a plethora of problems. Depression, house to worries, anxiety and boredom. The characteristics of all living creatures intersects in certain aspects. Excessive boredom and lack of physical activity can divert one’s mind into inculcating habits which in long run can be heinous. The same is applicable to dogs as well.

It is an scenario, where we find dogs licking their elbows and legs. The reasons for this can range from physical, psychological to boredom. Dogs get habituated to lick their elbows and legs, which in later stage lead to infections and problems.

  • Acral lick dermatitis is most known cause behind the licking habit of dogs. Continuous licking of paws leads to losing of hair from the place. Acral lick dermatitis or lick granuloma is a sore that does not heal and that usually occurs on pet's lower leg. This is usually seen in breeds like Doberman pinscher, Labrador retriever, Golden retriever, and their cross breeds.
  • As the dogs tend to age, their physical activity tends to slow down, limiting them to sedentary lifestyle. In boredom and lack of activity, they tend to lick their legs and elbows. With time, the area tends to make the area thick, which later loses or gains pigmentation.
  • Traumas, itching, psychological and physical reasons, allergies, skin infections and arthritis cause acral dermatitis which eventually causes your pooch lick its elbows and legs.
  • The most effective way to eliminate this problem is to bandage the area with a light dressing.
  • Monitor the diet of your pooch, this will prevent your pooch from falling prey to obesity and arthritis.
  • If you consider obesity is the reason for this, schedule regular walks and sporting activities for your four-pawed buddy.
  • If arthritis is the underlying issue, put your dog on regular anti-arthritic drugs after due consultation from your veterinarian.