Dental Problems In Your Dog

Pets are prone to dental ailments. Many a times this may go unnoticed. Your dog’s toys and food can help shed a lot of light on these things.

Common dental problems seen in dogs are:-

1. Periodontal disease

This is the most common dental problem that affects the dog. Periodontal disease leads to inflammation of gums, turning it reddish. If left untreated, this causes infections that travels through bloodstream affecting other organs.

2. Toothache

Just like in case of humans, dogs too are prone to toothache. At times, this can turn so severe, that your pooch can stop having food and even begin to lose weight.

3. Plaque and tartar

Plaque leads to transform your teeth into a brownish substance known as tartar. This not only affects the tooth but also the area around the pet’s teeth.

4. Systematic illness

If this problems are not treated properly, this can affect other organs and lead to more illness such as kidney illness and also lead to heart diseases.

5. Bad breath

If particles of food get deposited in your dog’s teeth or if the food doesn’t get digested well, it can lead to foul smell. This foul smell can also be indirectly related to kidney or liver problems.

If the problem persists, it may alarm some serious problem like diabetes or kidney problem.

4. Retained baby tooth.

Your pup in 2-3 months will start shedding its baby teeth also known as deciduous teeth. You can find that strewn around, or stains of blood in toys and things that it chews constantly. Make sure that all teeth are fallen, If these baby teeth do not fall out normally and are allowed to remain in your dog’s mouth, they can cause crowding because of the extra teeth and can even make it difficult or impossible for the permanent teeth to erupt properly.

6. Stomatitis

Inflammation of dog’s oral mucous membranes is known as stomatitis. This generally occurs in cats, and very rarely in case of dogs.

7. Misalignment of upper and lower jaw known as malocclusion, makes to chew.

Taking proper care of your pooch’s dental health will prevent it from various health problems. In order to prevent dental health, consult your veterinarian regularly and brush its teeth on regular basis to remove unwanted food particles that are left out.