The Best Way To Stop Your Dog From Pulling On The Leash.


Taking your dog on a leisure stroll can anytime turn into a havoc, if you don’t have your hand on its leash.  Your dog can turn excited looking at a prey or aggressive on seeing some stranger. It will require all your patience and strength to calm your dog.

If you find a dog walking quietly beside its owner, well then be sure the results are due to immense training and exercise the owner has put up to teach his dog.

If you don’t want to run around your dog, while it is all exciting, wandering places that pleases it, better get it trained sooner. A normal 5 – 10 minutes of simple consistent training every day will make your walks much calmer and keep your dog by your side. Having the right grip on its leash can do wonders. Too loose grip may land you face first on sidewalk and can be dangerous for your dog as well. At the same time, having too tight grip will leave you playing tug of war with your dog.


It can be a really tenacious job to control your dog on the leash. The best way to keep it on track with you is by using the trick of rewarding. Foremost teach your dog how to walk and when it does well, treat it with reward. Start initially rewarding it with its favorite food or toy. This would act as positive reinforcement and sooner you will find your dog walking beside you.


2.Backward Retreat.

Use the command “Yes”, every time your dog follows you correctly. Take hold of its leash and retreat back some distance. If your dog turns around and moves towards you, motivate it and reward. Repeat this trick few more times, until your dog is well acquainted with your command.

In considerable time, your dog would understand well, what behavior you are looking forward from it and by what will gain it reward. Sooner you will find your dog acting according to your command and thus, you can loosen your grip on the leash and enjoy the leisure walk with your dog.


3.Get Help Of A Trainer.

Sometimes it can be totally difficult for you to stop your dog by pulling its leash. You may be dragged far off if your dog is a much healthier one. During such times consider purchasing front clip harness. This will help provide extra control on the walks.

If still you are unable to hold on to the grip, consider to get your dog trained by a professional certified trainer.


Remember, making your dog walking along quietly, without trouble and making it stop by pulling its leash is going to be joint effort by you as well as the dog. Maintaining patience and positive attitude are of utmost importance.