15 Foods You Should Not Give Your Dog

There goes an old saying, “You can trust your dog to guard your house, but never trust your dog to guard your sandwich.” Your pooch is a real foodie and may storm out into whatever tempts its taste bud. But remember your pooch is not gifted with an intestine which can take up all types of food with ease. Certain food which are tempestuous for human taste, in fact can prove to be a slow killer for your canine.

It is important to monitor what your pup is fed and in how much quantity. Here is a list of food, that you better keep away from your doggie.


Chocolate is a better cure for a bad day.  This same chocolate can turn out to be suicide treat for your furry canine.  Chocolates unlike that of man is heinous for a dog’s health.

Chocolate contains a chemical called Theobromine which is a natural stimulant. This proves toxic for your dog. A mere intake of 100-150 kg of your pooch’s body weight can prove toxic for its life. Your canine can be infected with chocolate poisoning.


2.Dairy Products

There is no reason in crying over the spilled milk. Similar to humans, a many dog’s body is lactose intolerant. It can lead to sensations of vomiting, stomach upset and more thirsty. It is advisable to avoid milk and diet of dairy products to your canine.



A food containing yeast will eventually expand on your pet’s stomach, which will lead to expansion of its internal organs, causing bowel obstruction. This can prove life threatening for your poor canine.

So better keep your dog away from your kitchen when baking bread and make sure you don’t leave it open, if your dog is smart in treasure hunting for food.



While life and food is worthless without a pinch of salt and spice, the very same in your dog’s plate is nothing more than a push towards catastrophe. Excessive intake of salt will eventually end up making your dog thirsty. It can cause sodium ion poisoning in your pooch leading to urination,  and stomach upset.


5.Spicy Food

Onions and garlic belong to allium family of plants. They are known for building excessive heat in the body. Both these spicy food is excessively toxic for canines. Garlic is five more times toxic than onion.

Intake of onion and garlic leads to bursting of red blood cells in the dog’s body. The presence of thiosulphate causes hemolytic anemia, inflammation of intestines, diarrhea, dehydration leading to excessive thirst.

A small intake of 500 gms is enough to cause health problems to your dog.


6.Grapes And Raisins

The sour grapes, if you have a dog, better keep it away. The compound present in grapes is toxic to dog’s health, causing vomiting, loss of appetite and weakness. If you find more severe symptoms like lack of urination it is an alarm to consult your vet immediately.

Intake of grapes and raisins leads to kidney failure as well as severe liver damage.

If left untreated these can lead to even death.



Someday a wise man said, indulging your body to excess of alcohol, will lead to your liver fail the test of life.

We are all familiar with the kind of reaction yeast does in the body of dogs. You may find it funny to see the antics of your dog after gulping a pint of beer. But nowhere is it going to be funny in longer run.

The effect of alcohol is more potent in a dog’s body compared to that of humans. It leads to depression, severe liver damage, vomiting and diarrhea.



The compound persin in avocados is toxic for dogs. And it can cause vomiting, diarrhea and heart congestions in your little friends.

Keep your canine from its reach.


9. Chicken And Turkey Bones

Dogs and the bone, this relation goes away back into history. There are folklores having anecdotes of dogs and their love for bones.

In real this may be far from real. If you have had a diet of chicken and turkey, do remember to throw away the remains away from your dog’s reach. It can lead to choking hazard, stick into dog’s mouth,, throat and intestines.

If your dog is habituated playing with bones better get him a toy bone for munching.


10.Human Medicines

Its strictly recommended that feed your dog with medicines which is prescribed by the vet. Feeding your canine with human medicine will make his life to bid adieu.

Human medicines are not compatible to a dog’s intestine.

Unless you don’t receive proper guidelines from your veterinarian, do not try becoming your pet’s personal pharmacist.


11.Macadamia Nuts

Intake of macadamia nuts by your pooch can lead to similar effect as by the intake of grapes. If after intake of macadamia nuts your dog shows signs of vomiting,  seems depressed and showing signs of stomach upset, better consult your vet immediately to avoid further damage.



Eggs are healthy for a human but feeding your dog with raw eggs can lead to severe complications in their intestine. Studies state, raw eggs can cause salmonella poisoning in humans and dogs. So beware before you feed your pup with egg, it may not be as nourishing as you think it to be.


13.Moldy Food.

Dogs love trash. Running behind the trash truck is their favorite past time. You can often find your dog playing inside the trash can, trying to find some left overs to munch on.

As a devoted pet lover, it becomes immensely important for the owner to monitor over what it is putting its hand on.

It is extremely risky if there is old or moldy food inside the trash. It can cause severe infections to your dog’s intestine and can be disastrous to your dogs health.

So to all owners out there, have a hand on your leash, keep your dog as far as you can from the trash.



A bacon may seem as an healthy breakfast for you, but it is worse when it comes to the health of your canine. Its high-fat content can lead to pancreatitis, a condition leading to inflammation of the pancreas leading to slow functioning of the pancreas.



A coffee a day keeps sleep at bay. Coffee is a stimulant, it acts same for dogs and causes increased heartbeats, increased blood pressure, tremors and seizures. In worst scenario, increased intake can lead to complications and even lead to death.


Tip for your dog: - Don’t feed your dog with cooked or baked food. It can lead to severe complication in your dog’s health.