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Summer Tanager
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  • Summer Tanager
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Breed Information

Summer Tanager
Piranga rubra
United States
Not Applicable
8 year
7 inches
1 Pounds
Red, orangish on the underparts and olive on top, with olive-brown wings and tail
4 puppies


Summer Tanager also known as Piranga rubra are small sized American songbird species. They are native to southern part of United States. They weigh 29 g and grow up to 6.7 inches in size. They have a lifespan of 7.9 years. These birds are omnivorous species who feed on a variety of diet. Adult males are rose red and similar in appearance to the hepatic tanager, although the latter has a dark bill; females are orangish on the underparts and olive on top, with olive-brown wings and tail. As with all other birds, all red and orange colorations are acquired through their diet.

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