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Golden-Crowned Kinglet
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  • Golden-Crowned Kinglet
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Breed Information

Golden-Crowned Kinglet
Regulus satrapa
United States
Not Applicable
8 year
5 inches
1 Pounds
Golden, grey patch in the middle of the yellow-white wing bars, a black stripe through the eyes and a yellow crown surrounded by black
4 puppies


Golden-Crowned Kinglet also known as Regulus satrapa are small sized songbirds. They are found all across the United States. They weigh 4 to 7.8 g and grow up to 3.1 to 4.3 inches in size. They live up to 6.3 years. Their diet mainly comprises of insects. They have a grey patch in the middle of the yellow-white wing bars, a black stripe through the eyes and a yellow crown surrounded by black. The adult male has an orange crown.

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