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Lionhead Rabbit
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  • Lionhead Rabbit
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Breed Information

Lionhead Rabbit
Netherlands The
Not Applicable
10 year
Affectionate, Energetic, Friendly
6 inches
9 Pounds
Black, Blue, Chocolate, Tortoise, Blue point, Blue-eyed white, Ruby-eyed white, Chestnut Agouti, Seal, Silver Marten, Smoke pearl, Pointed white, Sable point, and Siamese sable.
2 puppies


Lionhead Rabbit are small or mini sized rabbits originating from Belgium. They weigh as much as 2.5-3.5 lbs. they have a compact body structure. They tend to have beautiful coat which is often considered to be its pride and joy. Its mane is long and wavy like a lion from where it earns its name, occurring in varied colors of black, chocolate, blue, tortoise, blue point, blue-eyed white, ruby-eyed white, chestnut agouti, seal, silver marten, smoke pearl, pointed white, sable point, and Siamese sable. They have friendly and affectionate demeanor. They are known to be energetic and playful which makes it important to be left outside the cage to have its energies released. They are suited for all types of environment especially as indoor pets.

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