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French Lop
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  • French Lop
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Breed Information

French Lop
Not Applicable
7 year
Affectionate, Playful, Calm
24 inches
12 Pounds
White, Black, Blue, Brown, Opal, Fawn, Chinchilla (Grey), Steel and Siamese
2 puppies


French Lop are giant rabbits originating from France. They weigh 10-15 lbs and mostly used as meat animal in French countries. They have a commercial body shape. They tend to have roll back coat which gradually returns back to position after being stroked. It is short, smooth and condensed occurring in different colors of white, brown, blue, black, opal, fawn, chinchilla, steel and Siamese. Since having long hair, their coat tends to shed excessively during particular seasons. Regular brushing is advisible to prevent this. They are known to be of friendly and active demeanor. They are playful and docile. They tend to be sensitive around children and reserved with strangers. They are best suited for all types of environment as indoor pets to outdoor companions.

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