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English Lop
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  • English Lop
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Breed Information

English Lop
South Africa
Not Applicable
7 year
Curious, Energetic, Friendly
9 inches
9 Pounds
Black, Black Orange/Fawn, Agouti/Opal, Chinchilla (grey), Red-eyed-White as well as Blue and Black torts
2 puppies


English Lop are medium sized rabbits originating from Africa. They weigh 9-10.5 lbs. It has semi-arch and mandolin body shape. Their fur is flyback which is smooth and short. It doesn’t need regular grooming and tend to shed excessively. The colors include black orange/fawn, agouti/opal, chinchilla, red-eyed-white as well as blue and black torts. They tend to be curious and intelligent breeds known for their energetic disposition. They are friendly and affectionate. They get along well with children and other breeds. They are suited for all types of environment.

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