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Cirneco dell’Etna
  • Ranking: #162
  • Cirneco dell’Etna
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Breed Information

Cirneco dell’Etna
Hound, Sighthound & Pariah
15 year
Energetic, Gentle, Loving
20 inches
22 Pounds
White, Fawn & White, Orange & White, Fawn Sable, Fawn, Sable
5 puppies


Cirneco dell’Etna are small breed dogs originating from Italian Island if Sticy. It belongs to the hound breed and used for hunting purpose. It has an excellent endurance power, where it can go without food and water for hours. It has a great sense of smell, also having good endurance over harsh terrain such as Mt. Etna. It is the smallest of the Mediterranean island hunting herds. Its coat is extremely short and is prone is less shedding. It is friendly and affectionate by nature. They need regular exercise to boost their energy levels.

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