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Basset Hound
  • Ranking: #39
  • Basset Hound
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Breed Information

Basset Hound
Basset, Hush Puppy
Hound, Scenthound
12 year
Affectionate, Gentle, Amiable, Devoted, Even Tempered, Kind, Tenacious
14 inches
63 Pounds
Black, Brown & White, Tricolour, Red & White, Black & White, Lemon & White, Black & Brown
7 puppies


Basset Hound are medium sized dog breeds originating from France. They are used as hound breeds and scenthound breeds. It grows as tall as 11-15 inches and weighs in between 45-65 pounds. It is made of heavy bone structure and muscular built. It has excellent hunting instincts, able to understand scent with ease, enabling It to hunt easily. Its trot is smooth and powerful. Its coat is short, smooth and has a glossy texture. It is known for Its distinctively long floppy ears. It needs regular exercise to keep Itself fit and healthy, lest It will turn boisterous and destructive. It's playful and well-mannered dog breeds. It enjoys to sniff and trail. It is known for Its obstinate nature, get along well with children and are reserved with other dog breeds.

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