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  • Ranking: #0
  • Azawakh
  • Reviews: 4

Breed Information

Idi, Hanshee, Oska, Rawondu, Bareeru, Wulo, Tuareg Sloughi
Sighthound & Pariah
12 year
Affectionate, Curious, Loyal, Dignified, Tough
28 inches
44 Pounds
White, Black, Blue, Brown, Grey, Golden, Brindle
6 puppies


Azawakh is large size dog breeds originating from Mali. They are also known as Idi, Hanshee, Oska, Rawondu, Bareeru, Wulo and Tuareg Sloughi. They are used as hounds, sighthound, and pariah. They grow as tall as 29 inches and weigh in between 33-55 pounds. They have moderate bone structure. Its gait is smooth and powerful. Its coat is short and tight. They are quick learners and affectionate. They are playful and energetic. They need constant regular exercise to keep its energy stable. It gets along well with children and is reserved towards strangers.

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