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  • Ranking: #18
  • Tonkinese
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Breed Information

Not Applicable
Lap Cat
16 year
Affectionate, Lively, Social, Inquisitive
13 inches
8 Pounds
Blue, Fawn, Silver, Cream
8 puppies


Tonikese are medium sized cats originating from Canada. They are also known as Tonk. They have a lifespan ranging up to 16 years. They have compact and muscular frame. Its gait is powerful and elegant. They have distinctive eye colors which range from green, blue, gray to aquamarine. Their coat is medium length, soft and silky. They are known for their distinctive intelligence, affectionate and love being in company of people. They are playful and enjoy to indulge in playful activities. They can be aloof sometimes or turn boisterous. They get along well with children and other pets.

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