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  • Ranking: #13
  • Oriental
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Breed Information

Foreign Type
United States
Not Applicable
Lap Cat
14 year
Affectionate, Lively, Playful, Social, Inquisitive
13 inches
9 Pounds
White, Black, Blue, Chestnut, Cream, Fawn, Cinnamon, Lavender
6 puppies


Oriental also known as foreign type are medium sized cats originating from the United States. The males grow as much as 10 pounds and females to a maximum of 8 pounds. its has a comparatively short coat as compared to other cats with a fine and glossy texture. Their coat occurs in almost 300 different color patterns. Its built is lean and slightly muscular. Its eyes is expressive and alert. They enjoy being in the company of humans and are known for their sensitive nature. They love to indulge in sporting activities and can be seen jumping and hopping places. They are intelligent and patient with children. They get along well with other pet as well as strangers.

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