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  • Ranking: #0
  • Cheetoh
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Breed Information

United States
Not Applicable
Lap Cat
14 year
Intelligent, Loving, Social, Calm
16 inches
12 Pounds
Brown, Seal lynx point, Mink, Sepia, Silver
6 puppies


Cheetoh also known as the Bengal are medium to large size cats originating from the United States. The males grow to a maximum of 10-15 pounds and females between 8-12 pounds. its coat is short, glossy with spots. They are cross-breeds produced from hybrids of Asian Leopards, Prionailurus bengalensis bengalensis, and domestic cat. They were cross bred, backcrossed and again backcrossed to get this breed. Resembling the big cat, these felines are opposite to what They appear to be. They are sensitive and curious. They are known for their intelligence and friendly disposition. They make excellent lap cat who enjoy being in the company of humans. They crave for affection and are well behaved with children, strangers and other pets.

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