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  • Ranking: #0
  • Chantilly-Tiffany
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Breed Information

Chantilly, Foreign Longhair
United States
Not Applicable
Lap Cat
16 year
Affectionate, Loyal, Social
16 inches
12 Pounds
Black, Blue, Chocolate, Cinnamon, lilac, Fawn
6 puppies


Chantilly-Tiffany are medium sized cats originating from the United States. They are also known as Chantilly and Foreign Longhair. The males weigh between 8-12 pounds and females between 7-10 pounds. These adorable cats are cross breeds between the Asian Semi-longhair breed and the British variant. Its coat is long, silky and smooth most commonly found in black color and white. Its eyes are large almond shaped ranging from yellow to luminous green color. They have moderate bone structure and athletic built. They are known to be calm and moderately active. They are extremely vocal and enjoys being in the company of its owners. They are affectionate with children and playful with other pet breeds. They are reserved with strangers. They are not recommended to be left alone which usually turns up alone and aggressive.

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