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  • Ranking: #16
  • Burmese
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Breed Information

Not Applicable
Lap Cat
16 year
Curious, Intelligent, Lively, Playful
13 inches
12 Pounds
Blue, Platinum, Champagne, Sable
6 puppies


Burmese are medium sized cats originating from Burma and Thailand. The male weigh between 8-12 pounds and females between 6-10 pounds. They have medium bone structure and heavy muscular built. its eyes are large and almond-shaped tapering at the ends ranging from green to yellow. Its coat is short, silky and has a glossy texture commonly occurring in gorgeous colors of blue, platinum, champagne and sable. They are known to be playful and extroverted. They enjoy being in the company of humans and indulging in retrieving activities. They have a calm and composed demeanor. Belonging to the descendent of Siamese breeds, They tend to be very vocal. They are considered to be intelligent and brilliant breeds, who tend to be extremely patient and well-behaved with children and other pets. They get along well with strangers.

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