Why Does My Dog Have Bad Breath?

Bad breath is also known as halitosis. It is caused due to build up of odor causing bacteria in lungs, mouth and guts of the dog. Presence of bacteria in the guts, kidney and importantly inside the body can cause the mouth to smell. If your dog suffers from bad breath, it is an important issue to tackle.

Bad breath is usually caused due to problem in the gums and teeth. In smaller breeds the reason is plaque and tartar. Persistent bad breath can also indicate larger medical problems in the mouth, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, or internal organs of your dog.

The kind of breath your dog gives out indicates a lot about its health.

1. If your dog’s breath has turned unusually sweet or fruity, it can signal diabetes. Along with if it is urinating and drinking water persistently, get your dog tested for diabetes.

2. If its breath smells like urine it indicates problem in its kidney

3. If its breath smells foul, it indicates problem with liver. It is usually accompanied by vomiting, lack of appetite and yellow stains in the gums.

4. Infections in the gastrointestinal tract causes bad breath in the dogs.

In order to prevent this, keep a regular check on its diet and what it is fed.

1. Brush your dog’s teeth occasionally. Food particles stuck in the teeth for prolonged period will cause bad breath.

2. Feed your dog easy to digest food. When fed with food that is difficult to digest, can throw out air which smells foul.

3. Monitor your dog’s oral health, to keep a tab about what it is eating and drinking.

4. Get your pooch for regular dental check up. For examining and cleaning of teeth.

If plaque is the cause, getting a cleaning can solve the issue. if still the problem persists it can be due to gastrointestinal, liver or kidney problems. Consult your vet for further guidance.

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