Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paw?

dog paws licking

Dogs have this habit of persistently licking their paws. It's an inbuilt genetic trait which is commonly seen in dogs. It is a subconscious body language. But this turns into a major problem when this habit becomes extensive. This can be an alarming signal.

The reasons can be either your pooch is extremely bored and stressed or else its paw is infected. Excessive stress can often lead to irritation in its paw. It is often not seen in white and blonde haired dogs, as their saliva discolors their paws fur and it becomes more apparent.

The reasons for paw licking can be

  • Your dog’s paw may be infected by some insect bite or termite leading to persistent itching.

Solution: make sure to keep your dog’s paw clean as soon as you return back from a leisure walk.

  • Food allergies: though not all food cause itching, there are certain food that can lead to itching sensations. Certain breeds are not compatible with certain food.

Solution: have a research done on your particular breed of dog in order to know what food and environment suits it well.  If the problem still persists, have your dog get checked by a veterinarian soon.

  • Psychological reasons: just like in humans, dogs also fall prey to boredom. Quirky behavior, idiosyncrasies and vices are common in dogs that lick their paws excessively. There can be variety of reasons for stress, which will lead to irritable behavior in you pooch.
  • Bacterial and fungal infections are another cause that will lead your dog to have itchy paws. Abnormal odor, pain, redness, swelling and limping are the most common signs of these infections.

Solution: if any of the above signs are noticed by you, get your dog checked by veterinarian on immediate basis.

  • Other reasons such as obesity can lead to joint problems which will eventually culminate into skin rashes and itching.

Dogs are genetically habituated with licking their paws, but in case if the problems persist for long and behavioral changes are noticed in your dog, do consult a veterinarian on immediate basis to guide you well.