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Anna’s Hummingbird
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Breed Information

Anna’s Hummingbird
Calypte anna
United States
Not Applicable
8 year
Cheerful, Gentle
4 inches
1 Pounds
White, Green and Pink
4 puppies


Anna’s Hummingbird also known as Calypte anna are songbird species, found throughout the west coast of North America. Their diet comprises of seeds and insects. They have a maximum life expectancy of 8.5 years. The males weigh 5 g and in the case of females they weigh up to 4 g. They grow to a size of 3.5 to 4 inches. They have a beautifully patterned body comprising of green color in the stomach and pink colored head. They have extensively long sharp beak making it possible to prey on insects and eat seeds.

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