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Rex Rabbit
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  • Rex Rabbit
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Breed Information

Rex Rabbit
Not Applicable
6 year
Loving, Calm, Quick, Spirited
19 inches
12 Pounds
White, Black, Castor, Seal, Chinchilla, Opal, Californian, Amber and Broken
2 puppies


Rex Rabbit are large sized rabbits originating from the United Kingdom. they weigh as much as 7.5-10.5 lbs. its coat is velvety and dense. Its short and soft occurring in various colors of castor, seal, chinchilla, opal, black, white, Californian, amber, as well as Broken. They tend to have a playful and energetic demeanor. They are known to be intelligent and calm. They are easily trainable. They get along well with children and other rabbits.

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