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  • Ranking: #142
  • Beauceron
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Breed Information

Berger De Beauce, Bas-Rogue, French Shorthaired Shepherd, Beauce Shepherd
14 year
Affectionate, Protective, Brave, Composed, Watchful
27 inches
110 Pounds
Grey, : Tricolour, Harquelin, Black & Rust, Black & Tan, Gray Black & Tan
7 puppies


Beauceron also known as Berger De Beauce, Bas-Rouge, French Shorthaired Shepherd and Beauce Shepherd are large sized purebred originating from France. They belong to Herding breed of dogs. They grow to a maximum height of 28 inches and weigh 110 pounds. it has a powerful built, its eyes piercing and deeply set. Its trot is agile and powerful. It's intelligent and brave, who can be easily trained. They are calm and composed. They are patient with children and wary towards strangers. They tend to bark a lot and love to indulge in chasing, hunting and retrieving activities.

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