The Benefits Of Pets For Human Health

Pets and humans share a deep bond right from the inception of time. Pets not only prove to be great companions but also excellent stress busters. Time spent with your pooch can make you feel less stressful and decrease the chance of illness to a great extent. Studies have also proven how well a dog and cat can detect major illnesses like cancer,  diabetes and epileptic seizures.

Pets have been great companions of mankind from the start. They have aided man in hunting sprees, acted as their guide and guardian during war times. They have known to have the capability of soothing the environment with their presence. With their mere presence, they are known to take away all pain and illness.

When a group of people half having pets and other half having no pets were made to go through a health check, the people having pets at their home showed less signs of stress and cardiovascular disease. While the latter showed signs of increased blood pressure and stress. Studies have also proven, people having pets tend to be more healthier as compared to those devoid of it. The reason as having pets at your place can keep you physically active going for long walks and indulging in exercises. Those having pets are found to have healthier hearts, are less home sick and make fewer visits to doctors.

Pets irrespective of which breed they belong to have a calming effect on human mind and without uttering any word they are known to take away all pain and sorrow from a person. They are known to improve the heart health by lowering blood pressures and regulating the heart rate during stressful conditions. Children exposed to pets are likely to be less anxious as compared to ones without a pet.

The kind of effect social groups and family are known to have on a human, similar are found in case of owning a pet cat or a dog. Going on a walk with your pets also makes one more interactive with others as they tend to talk to strangers having pets as well.

The bottom line lies that, pets are known to affect physical, emotional and mental health of a human. They help to ease out situations and improve health conditions bringing major positive changes in the health.


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