Simple Tricks To Get Rid Of Fleas From Your Cat's Body

Is your cat affected by flea problem? Fleas often find comfort in bodies of pets. Midst the fur, they get an easy place to hide and live there in comfort, in bargain often causing discomfort for the pets. They can not only be maddening, also hazardous to your pet’s health.

Similar to canines, felines are also affected by the flea problem. These tiny almost invisible creatures find comfort to breed in warm weather. Your pet’s fur proves to be a good place for hiding and to get warmth, and when it is coupled with warm weather, it gets double the reason to breed more. Fleas not only causes irritation, these active insects grow to feed on your feline’s blood. They are known to burrow inside the fur of your feline and staying hidden bite and ingest blood, causing severe itching and inflammation to your feline.

If left unchecked this flea problem can lead to many severe medical conditions, leading to tapeworms and anemia. Are you worried how to get rid of this flea problem and prevent further infestation by these insects?

Here are few tips and tricks to get rid of the flea in a smart way and without much trouble.

1.Flea comb

This comb can do miracles, assisting you to get rid of fleas effectively and efficiently. This can do wonders to free your feline of the flea problem. The trick is simple, take 3 to 4 cups of water and add to it 3 to 4 chopped lemons. Let the solution boil for sometimes and when the lemon is totally mixed with the water, remove from the heat. Let the solution cool for some time. Once the solution is cooled, apply it slightly to your cat’s fur and comb it gently. The smell of lemon is unpleasant for fleas. You can also dig the comb in the solution for some time and later comb your feline’s fur. The scent of lemon will help get rid of fleas, at the same time, it will further help prevent flea problem.

2. Spray Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is known for its pungent odor, the same foul scent would help keep the ticks and fleas at bay. All you need to do is fill a spray bottle with apple cider vinegar in order to apply it to your cat’s coat. You can also bathe your cat in the solution, later comb the cat’s fur slightly.

3. Other than the above-mentioned tips, you can also take preventive measures in order to prevent your feline from flea infection.

4. Bathe your cat occasionally accompanied by shampooing and grooming.

5. Fleas are known to breed in places with extreme warmth, it is recommended to wash your cat’s beddings and clothes in hot water and later drying them in the hot sun. Sun has the capability to kill the fleas and prevent any future invasion by these insects.

6. You can also vacuum or dry clean your carpet and beddings which cannot be washed.

7. Maintain proper hygiene and cleanliness in the house. Keep the food covered, spray flea removers around in order to prevent your cat from flea infection.

Fleas can be a nuisance and can cause a lot of trouble for your feline and if left untreated may lead to severe medical conditions. the best solution for this is to foremost maintain hygiene and keep your environment clean. If your feline is infected by fleas and even after applying all the remedies, it fails to show any effect, take your cat immediately to the vet to get it checked and treated 

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