9 Amazing Facts You Didn't Know About Your Dogs

Dogs can be well termed as the most loyal species mankind has ever encountered. Your dog may be your best friend but they can be mysterious breeds to know about. There may be many things about your best friend that you may be unaware about. Do you know similar to humans, your dog also goes through a plethora of emotions?  Well there are many such things which may be petty otherwise, but unknown about your dog to you.

So are you ready to open the secret chamber of unknown facts about your dog and get to know in detail.

1.Envy Alert!

Just like emotions in humans, dogs too have emotions of affection and envy in them. Studies have stated that they too go through the feeling of jealously and hate to share their favorite humans with others, turning them into a green-eyed monster. Further research also states, dogs tend to jump on its masters when they return back home. It is a way of them confirming they were not with anyone else. With the sense of smell they can make out the scent of other dogs and humans.

2. Beware Of Lamp Posts, It Can Be Dangerous For Them.

Dogs urine is acidic in nature which can easily corrode metals. So the next time you let your dog pee on the lamp post beware of the dangerous. It can eventually lead to the collapse of lamp post which can be dangerous for everybody.

3. See The World Through Dog’s Eyes.

Till date, it was understood that dogs can see only two colors black and white. But this myth was broken by recent studies, which states dogs can see other colors as well though not as vividly as humans. The reason is human eyes consists of three cones whereas dogs eyes contains two cones. This makes it difficult for it to distinguish between red and green but can very well make out colors of blue and yellow easily.

4. Night Vision

Just like felines and other canines, dogs too have excellent night vision which aids to it while hunting during night and find its prey easily.

5. Disease Detector

We all are well aware of dog’s excellent sense of smell. With this sense of smell they can easily trap the culprit and criminal. But this doesn’t end here itself. Dogs with their sense of smell can even detect diseases like cancer, diabetes and epilepsy in humans. So if your dog is acting strange lately, it is an alarm that something can be majorly wrong with you.

6. Wag The Tail

Wagging tail doesn’t always mean that your dog is happy. Apparently dogs have their own language of wagging tail. dogs tend to wag their tail to right when they are happy and to the left when frightened. If your dog wags its tail in slow motion it signifies its insecure and when it is in speed it means it is tense and pupils turning diluted signals depression.

7. Temperature Affects Your Pooch.

Unlike for humans, the normal body temperature of your pooch is 38C. This is another reason why fleas get more attracted to dogs as compared to humans. On the other hand, dogs lack the presence of sweat glands unlike humans, which would thereby keep the heat trapped in their body without any way for it to escape. So next time you take your pooch for a long walk on a sunny day, beware of their health. They can start panting and won’t be able bear the heat with ease.

8. Dogs Have Their Own Fingerprint

Fingerprint is the most distinctive identity for humans and unlike them dogs too carry a unique identity feature with them. Though their paws are well known, it is actually it's nose print that is as unique as a human fingerprint. It's peculiar combination of ridges and creases is used to identify them.

Don’t forget to mark your dog’s nose on a paper to mark their identification next time.

9. Dogs Do Dream Just Like Humans.

Your pet in many ways is similar to you. No wonder they are best buddies to humans. Similar to humans they too dream. Research has proven, dogs also see dreams while asleep, which is known through the movements made by them while sleeping like wagging tail, growling and moving legs. Well it is still a mystery what exactly do dogs dream about.

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